Wednesday, July 18, 2012


half of d year..
hoh..last update 6months ago..haishh..cepatnya masa blalu kan..
sat g abes setahun masuk 2013..
& kira2 dh nearly 9months kat CKAPS..
memula join team klinik then skang join team hospital..
banyak blaja kat admin ni..
mmg totally different from clinical life..
initially mmg agak depressed..
new environment..

clinical ..ED per say
punch card  pastu amek pass over dr kawan shift b4..
sambil borak2 klu pt xrmai..
klu pt rmai trs start gear 5..
buat CPR, chest tube, fast scan, cvl,difficult branula..
kadang2 xsempat naek labour room, baby deliver kat bawah..
sometime ade staff yg kita lama xjumpe..
may b due to different shift
or dorg bru balek dr leave..
so,every time masuk kje akan ade different environment,
different staff,
different patient..
OSCC pt..psychiatric pt..suicide pt..
different case..
dari kecik2 case sampai la sbesar2 alam..
pt dtg dengan ular..dtg dgn saka...haha..
prangai pt yg mcm2..
yg muda slalunye arrogant..
yg tua slalunye baek, hormat, thankful..
thats how to gain respect..
& kadang2 jumpe member from different dept yg datang review referred pt..
mbebel sebab receive referral.. 
member dr different hospital yg mrefer pt..
kadang2 ok kadang2 sengal esply d jr..
then punch card balek dgn rasa penat/puas hati/gembira/sedih/xpuas hati/klaka..
macam2..every day is different in ED..

sometime p medical stand by..
stand by dekat SUKMA, paralympics, majlis2 yg attended by VVIP..
then, plg adrenalin rush bile ade disaster..
ske..haha..nauzubillah kan..
mintak dijauhkan disaster tp agak mnarek..
jdi 1st responder..
very useful knowledge..
sbb xsemua docs yg bleh&attend any on scene scenario..
hmm..banyaknye yg sy blaja spanjg kat ED.. 

very interesting life..
people come people go..
people born people die..
every second every where..
then we know d value of our life..
im grateful for that opportunity..
which not all people can..

& here..
different life..

admin..CKAPS per say
punch card..
masuk office..
same face..
same people..
same place..
same table..
same pc..
but with time..
barula ku tahu apakah yg aku lakukan..
sorila..lampi sket..
adjustment period..
comfortable with my collegue..
mnguatkuasakan akta..
to make sure yang hospital yg dibina mmg utk hospital..
bknnya mcm super market kampung..
selamat dri segala bahaya..
ksimpulannya for pt safety..
mn tahu next time org2 yg kita knal akn duk situ..
we will never know..
make sure staff & doctors semua qualified..
bukan cap ayam..
pkul 5ptg punch card balek umah..
tp sbb umah dekat so xkesah sgt blk lambat..

pun ada visit jugak..
to ensure that bukan on paper je dorg patuh akta..
pastikan btul follow akta..
jalan2..dpt makan local food..

quality of my own life..
banyak masa sendiri..
bleh wat benda laen..
alamanda kat blakang ni je..
bleh biznes part time tp income full time..
tapi yg plg pentg,
feel grateful with what i have now..
dlu safe pt's life..
skang safe people's future life..
here & after death..
before getting sick with stressful life that lead to varies disease..




  1. Hey sis.....

    So glad you adjusted to life in CKAPS. It always takes time and once adjusted it is quite an interesting life there too :)

    So how are things there? I've been adjusting well to life on the outside. Do come by for a visit soon to make sure the hospital is not kampung hospital and the staff are not cap ayam :)

  2. hye GM... adjusting quite well..but sometime I still need to see different faces.i dont like being stuck in one place.hmm.I apply for master.rehabs.oppss..same with jamuna ;)
    im sure ur life&ur place are great.of coursela kan, its under experienced&knowledgeable GM.ehem3.can belanja bukak puasa.hehe..

  3. hye...

    good good.....good that you have taken steps to move forward. Hope you and Jamuna will be able to get it soon. Well my place has its ups and downs, pros and cons. Incidentally will you be assigned to come for the visit? Haha bolehlah belanja makan nanti... make sure u fight for it yeah

  4. aminn..hopefully..actly, im thinking of taking master of nuclear medicine..but it is under HUSM so i need to go to change it to rehabs..kl area only..

    haishh...i didnt realize that u reply my msg..i missed the boat.. :(
